Tennessee Valley Winds
Tennessee Valley Winds Tennessee Valley Winds - A Nashville/Murfreesboro Community Concert Band Erich Zimmerman, Director
Erich Zimmerman, Director  

SSW Event Info
SSW Event
Cason Trailhead
Murfreesboro Greenway Extension
Sunday, April 25th, 2010 - 2:00 PM

Cason Trailhead
1100 Cason Trail
Murfreesboro, TN

Band Ticket Info
Band Ticket Info
Admission is FREE for this Event!

Band Event Details
Program Details
Band Event Details
Cason Trailhead Pavilion Outdoor Park Concert

America the Beautiful
Samuel A. Ward / arr. Carmen Dragon
Conducting: Mr. Jon Rosenthal

Vanity Fair
Percy Fletcher / trans. Randal Box
Conducting: Mr. Randal Box

Americans We
Henry Fillmore
Conducting: Mr. Eric Scott

Salute to Ol' Blue Eyes
arr. John Moss
Conducting: Mrs. Kelly Medford

Steven Bryant
Conducting: Mr. Randal Box

British Eighth
Zo Elliot
Conducting: Mr. Jon Rosenthol

Selections from "The Music Man"
Meredith Willson / arr. Alfred Reed
Conducting: Mr. Eric Scott

Armed Forces Salute
arr. Bob Lowden
Conducting: Mrs. Kelly Medford

Lassus Trombone
Henry Fillmore
Conducting: Mrs. Kelly Medford

Amazing Grace
arr. Frank Ticheli
Conducting: Mr. Eric Scott

Clarinet Candy
Leroy Anderson
* In Memory of John Lovecchio *
Conducting: Mr. Randal Box

Salute to American Jazz
arr. Sammy Nestico
Conducting: Mr. Jon Rosenthal

Tennessee Salute
arr. Jay Dawson
Conducting: Mr. Randal Box
Stars & Strips Forever
John Phillip Sousa

Conducting: Mr. Jon Rosenthol